No Funding.- We self-fund all client projects, and work on a contingency basis, where we have no fixed fee for our services and only charge a percentage of what we save your company.
No Budgetary Review or Capital Outlay.- Our fees come out of your existing waste budget.
No Time.- We do all the work and you simply enjoy the significant return on the savings.
Steps in our process:
COLLECT information related to your current waste and recycling expenses (hauler invoices and contracts).
ANALYZE this information and determine if there are any past errors or mistakes on your invoices in order to get a refund.
IDENTIFY cost reduction opportunities by performing a detailed analysis (30 step process) at each location in order to uncover inefficiencies and excess spending and at the same time understand your unique needs.
PRESENT RECOMMENDATIONS based on your needs along with expected savings for your review and authorization.
IMPLEMENT only approved recommendations at your current locations (both physical and contractual).
REVIEW your vendor invoices on a monthly basis to verify the correct implementation of changes by the vendor and approve payment of the invoices.
PROVIDE a breakdown of the exact savings results on our monthly invoice, which also computes the share in savings. If No Savings are achieved there is No Fee. We are only compensated after you see savings hit your bottom-line each month.
ASSIST you personally with any other needs or problems that may arise regarding your waste and recycling account.
832 260-4228 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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