We find that 90 % of the companies that we work with are overspending on waste and recycles every day. Most businesses believe they have no choice other than to rely on the services and equipment originally recommended by their hauler.
This is not the case because waste companies’ representatives are highly trained to oversell and over-service customer accounts. Additionally, we often see billing errors and mistakes on invoices.
Think about this: What is the driving force behind waste disposal company to take the time required to evaluate your company’s individual needs and make your waste disposal as efficient and cost effective as possible, especially when their services are already in place.
We will get paid according to our results and will not charge any upfront fees for our services. We simply share in any savings we uncover for your company. Our fees will come from your existing waste budget once our program is implemented and the savings are realized. If we are unable to find any savings, there would be no fees. It is a risk free scenario for you.
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