How to Recycle Computer Monitors

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If you’re looking to recycle a cathode ray tube (CRT) monitor, which has mostly been phased out of the sales market at this point, it contains four to eight pounds of lead. If you have a liquid-crystal display (LCD) screen, it’s likely being backlit by small fluorescent bulbs containing mercury. Both are toxic metals that you want to keep inside the monitor.

This means it’s extra important to keep these monitors out of landfills but also treat them with care when recycling. Here are a few steps to take when preparing your monitor for recycling:

  1. Unplug the DVI, HDMI or VGA cable from your monitor (as well as the CPU) to lighten the load and prevent tripping (for VGA, you’ll need to unscrew the ends). If the power cord can be removed, unplug that as well.
  2. Use a dolly or a rolling chair to transport the monitor to your car. CRT monitors can be quite heavy and you don’t want to risk dropping them.
  3. Place a towel or blanket down in the car and put the monitor face down on top. This will ensure that nothing breaks if you hit any potholes on the drive.

Can I recycle computer monitors in my curbside recycling program?

It’s highly unlikely that your curbside recycling program accepts computer monitors, even if it collects “scrap metal.” These screens are bulky and made up of multiple materials, so you’ll definitely want to check before putting them in the recycling bin. If your area offers bulky waste recycling, computer monitors may be accepted, but it’s a good idea to verify that they’ll be responsibly recycled.

Will all recyclers that accept computers also take monitors?

No, especially if you are trying to recycle a CRT monitor. The costs of breaking down these screens while responsibly removing the lead and/or mercury limits their acceptance by electronics recyclers, and many will specifically exclude monitors from their materials list.

Will the monitor manufacturer offer a take-back recycling program?

Most computer monitor manufacturers are now offering take-back recycling, either by partnering with retailers like Best Buy, Goodwill or Staples, or through a mail-in program (usually only for LCD screens). You’ll want to search your manufacturer’s website for details on its specific program. None of the retailers mentioned above exclude certain brands of monitors, though.


Source: Earth911

Saving on Waste is a cost reduction consultant company. Our main office is in Houston, TX but we can work in all of The United States. We would work for you, the client, and always have in mind your needs and try to maximize savings.

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