Office Waste Reduction Tips and Ideas

Maybe the best idea for reducing paper waste is through creating a paperless office. You can simply say no to paper use. If that is not completely possible, you should identify for what purposes you have to use paper and for what purposes you can avoid paper use. Once you make the lists for both, then be sure to clearly announce the policy and consistently enforce it. 

If the nature of your business is such that you have to use paper for a number of purposes, here is how you can keep paper waste to a minimum:

  1. Encourage everybody in the office to edit on computers before printing. This move will help reduce the number of draft copies of documents to be printed. If you still think printing drafts is necessary, print them on the unused side of paper sheets that would otherwise be discarded.
    Store office files digitally.
  2. Use both sides of a paper. Set up computers to automatically print two-sided as well.
  3. Use small paper pieces for short memos.
  4. Consider not using cover sheets on faxes.
  5. Get rid of needless reports and reduce report sizes. If you only occasionally need a report, just run it on demand.
  6. Consider using lighter weight papers wherever possible.
  7. Enable the reuse of paper envelopes by putting a label on top of the old address.
  8. Make use of electronic and voicemail and avoid paper mail wherever possible.
  9. Take necessary actions to decrease unsolicited mail.
  10. Share and circulate documents, memos, reports and all other publications.
  11. Post all workplace announcements in a central location rather than printing multiple copies.
  12. Use single spacing and narrower margins for less important documents.
  13. Refold and reuse file folders.
  14. Try to find duplication on your mailing lists and avoid sending unnecessary copies.
  15. Be sure to recycle scrap paper. Shredded office paper may also be repurposed as packaging filler for particular applications.

Source: The Balance Small Business

Saving on Waste is a cost reduction consultant company. Our main office is in Houston, TX but we can work in all of The United States. We would work for you, the client, and always have in mind your needs and try to maximize savings.

10 Office Waste Reduction Tips and Ideas

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